Restorative Care | Adair Dental Medicine

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Fillings are a very familiar procedure for many people.  It’s part of maintaining your teeth to keep very small problems from getting bigger.   The procedure involves anesthetizing the tooth to be worked on and removing all of the decay and/or defect, then placing a tooth colored restoration.  At Adair Dental Medicine we provide this service but with some additional touches.  We use a composite that is highly biocompatible with no BisGMA like traditional methacrylate composites.  Dr. Adair also finds no indication for amalgam at this stage in dentistry, so they will not be a part of your treatment. 

Filling indications

  • Removing small decay to prevent infection

  • Closing spaces for esthetic reasons or for areas that trap food.

  • Replacing defective restorations due to decay around a filling or a deteriorating material

  • Removing small fractures


Crowns are indicated when a patient has a tooth that is not strong enough to support a filling.  If a tooth has a large existing filling that needs to be replaced, a cavity that wraps around the tooth, or if the tooth has been treated with a root canal; these are some reasons Dr. Adair would treatment plan for a crown.  People often associate crowns with cutting the tooth down to a small “nub.”  This is not the case anymore.  We use all ceramic (porcelain) crowns that require very minimal preparation and in the front of the mouth we veneer over the stronger material for the most natural look.  Dr. Adair tries to be conservative wherever possible so that if it ever needs to be replaced there is plenty of tooth to work with.  Crowns provide structural integrity to the tooth.  A crown will allow you to eat whatever you want without fear of damaging it.  A crown is prepared in the first visit.  An impression is made and sent to the lab where the crown is custom fabricated.  The patient will have a temporary crown in the meantime.  At the second visit, slight adjustments are made and the crown is seated.  Often the patient doesn’t even need to be numb for the second visit.


  • Creating structural stability for a fractured portion of a tooth

  • Restoring a tooth that has had root canal therapy

  • Replacing large decay or deteriorating fillings in the front or in the back of the mouth.


Veneers are a beautiful option for enhancing a patients smile and giving them a new source of confidence in their appearance.  Your smile is an integral part of who you are and the more you smile, the more you brighten everyone’s day.  We want to be part of that!  The procedure for veneers requires smoothing and preparation of the outside layer of the tooth and a dental impression.  From there the impression is rushed to the lab and the veneers are hand crafted and glazed with customizations to match the surrounding smile and give the look that the patient is trying to achieve.  Dr. Adair can even present a mock up before the teeth are actually prepared that will even help with the fabrication of the temporary restoration.

Veneer indications

  • Closing small spaces between the front teeth when braces are not indicated or wanted

  • Changing the shade and surface texture of the teeth

  • Changing the shape of the teeth to make them more prominent, more feminine or stronger

  • Restoring surface stains from braces or fluorosis

implant restorations

We are in an exciting time in dentistry today where if you lose a tooth you do not have to be without it!  Implants have revolutionized treatment plans, allowing doctors to replace a single tooth to an entire dentition with implants restorations.  When an implant is indicated, a patient is referred for a consult with our trusted periodontist or oral surgeon.  A plan is set in place where the specialist and general dentist coordinate treatment to make a smooth transition for the patient. During the healing period the patient has a temporary restoration so they will never be without their tooth.


There are times when a tooth needs to be removed, either due to infection or fracture or as a part of a prosthetic treatment plan.  Dr. Adair will remove teeth in house in many cases to save a trip to the oral surgeon should the patient desire that.  The patient will be completely numb for the procedure and Dr. Adair takes much care to remove teeth as atraumatically as possible to preserve bone and tissue for future restoration and to aid in post-operative healing.  Ozone can be applied to the extraction site to eliminate residual bacteria and speed the healing.


When you are missing teeth a beautiful or handsome denture or partial denture is indicated.  Dentures are not what they used to be.  People worry about discomfort or that they will be noticeable.  With new materials and an amazing lab, the results are so lifelike and comfortable you will wonder why you went so long without them.  Also, it is so important for Dr. Adair for you to be happy with your smile.  You are actively involved in approving the teeth, the bite and if you don’t like anything about them, we send them back no question.  Also, in cases where you have to transition to dentures or partial dentures we have ways to make sure you walk in and out with a smile.

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide is offered at any appointment for the patient’s comfort unless the patient is pregnant or has a medical condition that prohibits its used.  Nitrous is a safe way to relieve anxiety for a patient, with few side effects and very few contraindications.  You breathe in the gas and it causes a relaxing feeling without being sedating.  After the procedure is completed the nitrous is removed and the patient breathes positive pressure oxygen, leaving them refreshed and ready for the rest of the day.  For the anxious patient, this is such a great service.